Since you're working on the next update, deciding what to implement, can you please re-consider this feature request which I made once before:
A mix-lock for the reverb setting, so that it stays at the same value when cruising presets. I don't always want to use the Aalto reverb, I don't want to maintain a wet & dry bank of presets either.
This is a good, useful feature request - and common feature amongst other synths for good reasons. Please implement it.
As a secondary request (and nowhere near as important or as desired as the request above) - any other parameters that you could implement a 'lock' on to would be sweet too. That's an uncommon feature, but I'm sure it would be a fruitful addition on any modular/semi-modular synth.
I hear you. The hard part is the UI. Can you point me to some other synths that do this?
Well, I believe you've shared some code with Sean@ValhallaDSP ?
His implementation is the best. He uses it on his effects, namely VRoom so far, shimmer either has it too or is getting it in an imminent update, and I believe his new one UberMod is going to have it...
The UI element is simple, you simply click on the parameter name and the text changes colour - locked. Wonderful!
Going beyond locking for just Aalto's reverb (mix) parameter (a necessity imo), pretty much all your parameters are could, if you thought it was a good idea, easily implement this for all parameters (and connections even..?). in terms of the UI at least (I don't presume to know what amount or difficulty of coding would have to go into it..). This would be a useful luxury, and a kind of nod in the direction of hardware modular patching that would be fun, aleatoric, experimental, productive. In terms of UI nothing would change, no space/ergonomics etc would be impeded. Even the labelless modifier parameters could be locked with a double click, or some such modifier_key+click.
OK I'm sure you get what I'm suggesting, I'll leave it at that - I don't want to drown the original feature reqest in another wistful albeit awesome one :)