Was thinking recently how cool it would be if you could get 64 channel output each representing a discrete partial. How feasible would this be?
Output from the synthesizer to a host environment? Wow, I can't imagine how to work with all those channels easily in a host—maybe Max/MSP or something?
Anyway I don't think 64 channels of output is on the horizon but soon we'll have four, then who knows, maybe there's a good way to do more...
Thanks for the reply. Yes, running in a host. For instance Plogue Bidule gives you several versions to choose from when used as a VST (Stereo/16/32/64 channel). Max/MSP would likely be my host environment, but now that the Max for Live API has direct access to audio channels it makes it much easier to work with massively multichannel setups in Live too. Four outputs would be a good start anyway!