ForumsSoftware ← How does one delete Aalto Patches?

Is this an available option? I've already checked the Aalto folder hoping to find the user created patch I'd like to rid myself of but it's nowhere to be found. A little guidance would be appreciated here.

On my windows computer the presets are in:

C:\Users*your user name*\AppData\Roaming\Madrona Labs\Aalto\Presets

Not so obvious, but they're there!

Thanks for your reply.

We're referring to the same location, although I'm operating on a mac- I'm able to see the default sub-categories of Aalto, (e.g. Aalto keys, Aalto pads), but Artist contributed/User made patches are not located here.

With time I'll be able to iron out this kink. I was hoping someone might chime in with a similar experience and solution. For now I'll have to stare at a patch named "Dina".


If you are on a Mac the factory patches are in /Library, and the user patches are in ~/Library. Open the "Go" menu in the Finder and then hold down option to see the Library in the menu. Apple hides this folder by default now, which is kind of annoying.

Ah, that was exactly the issue. Thanks Randy!

I found in OSX the factory and user Aalto presets are now in the User/ Music/ Madrona Labs/Aalto folder, and are no longer in the two Library/ Audio/ Presets/ Madrona Labs folders.

Yes, sorry this thread is very old!

Since years everything is in ~/Music/Madrona Labs so that people are not confused about which Library folder, or hidden library folders. Feel free to email me at support@madronalabs with any questions.

You might want to update the Aalto Manual with that info

Absolutely. Sorry for the confusion.