kenk's Recent Posts
Studio One 3.3
You can use Virta as an insert on your audio track or instrument.
Create a new empty MIDI track and route the output of this track to Virta. Important - this will only work with the VST version, not the AU version, so do not use the AU version.
You can use Virta as an insert on your audio track or instrument.
Create a new empty MIDI track and route the output of this track to Virta.
You now have Virta processing one instrument or audio track.
If you use Virta on a fx track, you can easily send the output of several audio tracks or instrument tracks to this fx track. You may want to make the sends prefader so you can decrease the volume of the original tracks.
Note that there is no ability to use sidechains with Virta in either Mac or Windows, but you do not need to, either.
Logic 10.3 Upgrade
The Logic 10.3 upgrade included a feature for instruments to receive sidechains without needing to set up a separate bus.
This means that the Virta setup is much simpler than in thetechnobear's instructions for Logic 10.2.
a) Create your audio/instrument track as normal (i.e not virta)
b) Create a BLANK instrument track then select virta as the instrument.
(under midi controlled effects)
c) in Virta dialog, select side chain input, and select the audio/instrument track you created in step (a)
So, no bus needed if you want one instance of Virta to process one instrument or one audio track!
If you want one instance of Virta to process more than one instrument or audio track at once, then route the instruments/audiotracks/both to a new bus and open the sidechain selector on Virta and chose that bus.