gnuv's Recent Posts

Could you post the Pd patch ?
Thanks a lot

First quick test :

For me, adjacent touches doesn’t work well :

  • Adjacent touches aren’t detected

  • When there’s a square between two touches, the second touche substract something on the first touch that disappear even if you continue to sustain.

Thanks for this work

For people who wants to see a soundplane in action, I will perform the 18 February in Saragozza (Spain), the 25 February in Nice (France), and the 13 April in Milano (Italy, to be confirmed) :

Waou, fantastic. Can't wait to test this in my setup ;)

Great. Thank you Randy.

I’m glad that the MEC project is on the way. Thank you a lot for this work. I also want to get out of the desktop ou laptop computers. They aren’t so efficient for live music, and if I play this beautiful wood instrument, it’s not for having a big screen in front of me on stage.

For this purpose, I own a Kyma system, an axoloti and a beagleboard bela. But I'm a beginner with these systems (more on Max or Pd) and it’s really difficult to have something that work well with the soundplane. The connexion with Kyma is really buggy. I hope that the work that you are doing Randy is going to improve things.

Let me also propose you some other improvements on the soundplane software for live performances :

Sometimes touches get stuck (but mostly at the beginning, it doesn’t happened from a long time for me, maybe the sensor is better after playing a lot). For having a safe live system, it will be really great to have a possibility to send a midi message (for exemple with a pedal) to flush the system in case of a problem.

When we play a really long time or when we reach the limit of the CPU (which is easy with aalto or kaivo), an ultra big latency appears. I think that it’s because OSC isn’t on the high priorities of a normal OS (another reason to quit "office" computers for live music).
This is really problematic. Again, is there a way to send a message to init this, without having to quit the client in the middle of a live performance ?

The edges of the soundplane aren’t well detected. At the top and the bottom, the row begin at the middle of the square. I can correct it on max or on kyma, but a possibility to correct this directly on the client will be great (especially for Aalto and Kaivo).

It’s impossible to use multiple OSC sends or to dynamically change OSC send address on the client via midi. That made the limitation to only use one synth at a time (and one synth per performance if you doesn’t want to touche the computer on stage).
Before, I was using Max for dispatching OSC, but it's CPU heavy and the multiplication of the softwares made things less stable.

Idem for the zone preset. Before a performance, I have to choose wich zone I want and I cannot change it by midi program changes. It’s always a dilemma between continuous surface or scaled one (especially for the Y), because Aalto or Kaivo cannot put this directly in their presets (I change them on stage with a pedal).

Last thing : if you cannot succeed to improve the touch detection, I suggest you to change the grid layout on the B model for matching the detection. It’s a little bit frustrating to be unable to hit two adjacent squares and to havent any landmark that matches the reality of the touch tracker.


Is there some news on windows drivers ?

I think that apple is going on the bad way for musicians, and probably my mac will be the last one for me. The soundplane is the last thing that keep me in osx.

In the other hand, there's some really small devices like this one : that potentially could be a perfect stage box for hosting the soundplane app and stream OSC/MPE to better sound processors on the control room.

That also could be a small standalone soundbox (with non CPU intensive sounds) for practicing on the road.

I think this could be better useful than a CV box (even if I have a modular), because some solutions still exists for that via expert sleepers (like a DC coupled audio interface or the FH-1).

Here's videos of my two first performances with the soundplane :

(the first video of the playlist is circuit bending, not soundplane)

Yes, I use a simple max patch that duplicate and route the OSC.

I test the OSC zone map today, and I don't succeed to send both to Kaivo and Aalto.

It's possible to send a zone to Alto and another zone to Kaivo, but not to send the same zone (the entire soundplane for me) to these two software.

Is it just a question of syntax or is it still impossible ?

the 1.3.1 fix doesn't work with kyma

Ok, I will wait for the fix and use the old one for now.

Do you also plan the possibility to control the client via midi or osc soon ? It will be really usefull for live permormances.

This upgrade doesn't work for me with kyma.
Is it because I have to specify OSC port in the mapping zone ?
Is it now possible to send osc at the same time to kyma, aalto and kaivo ?

Thanks. I made a post here where I explain the setup :

Thanks Randy. This instrument is really great. I'm in a research to find the gestures, the sounds and the setup that fit correctly with it.

For the first one (Juglans), I simply use a numpad to change the sounds. But I'm not really happy with this. I don't want to have a computer or computer parts in front of me. I just want to have an instrument.

For the second one (Chantepleure), there was 24 tracks spatialised on the concert place, plus Aalto and Kaivo on the line array. All the sounds and the presets changes where in sequence in Reaper (with Max for dispatching the OSC). For the fixed 24 tracks (field recordings on factories), the soundplane was controlling low pass filters to open or close the gates. So all the sounds where virtually continuous, in a way similar to Aalto, Kaivo and analog synths.

But I'm searching something else. For a 5mn performance, it's ok like this, but not for an entire concert. Maybe a softstep for foot controlling the program changes.

Thanks also for all you videos Mark, they are really interesting.

Reaper is the only DAW that work with Aalto and Kaivo together in my computer (a mac mini i7). I try with max 7 and live and it glitch automaticaly. Impossible to use both with these host (but it work with just one of the two).
In my tests, Reaper seems to be the best efficient DAW for Aalto and Kaivo in term of CPU load.

If you go to "reaper / preferences / buffering", you have a lot of options to optimize the performances. But I don't really understand all, and I made my setup empirically. Maybe Randy can tell us what's the best for these softwares ?

For the CPU load, you should see both the Reaper performance meter and the computer monitor. I don't understand why, but when Reaper monitor show 10% for Aalto, the computer's monitor show something around 100%. I think that the glitches are because it mostly calculate on one core, but I'm not sure. You should try other buffering setup.

Also, it make a real big difference if you show the Aalto or Kaivo UI or not. When you have done your setup, try to close the insert windows and see if it change the CPU load.

In my mac, the VSTi of Aalto and Kaivo use a little bit less CPU than the AUi.

Another thing : if you have a soundplane and you don't put the track in record monitoring mode, you can heard the sound, but with a big latency.

"It can listen over OSC so you can change the number of touches with a dial for performance."

How can I do that ? What's the OSC port for sending informations ? What are the messages that I have to send to control the dials, toggles and the zone preset menu ?


Is there a way to choose the OSC port in Kaivo, like Aalto does ?

I want to be able to play both kaivo and aalto with my soundplane, but for this, I had to receive the OSC from the soundplane app (port 3123) and duplicate the OSC to send it to 2 different ports (in Max, PD or maybe oscii-bot).

Or perhaps there's another way to do it ?


Wonderful. Thanks

Did you use both on EigenD ? (I haven't test it yet)

I try to put both on Max7 and in Ableton Live9, but it completly overload the CPU, even when I put the buffer size at the maximum. It's implayable. (I have a mac mini mid-2011 2GHz i7 8Go).

In Reaper, it works with a buffer at 1024. It's a little bit too big for percussive playing, but it doesn't glitch. There's a very big difference with max and live in my computer.

Great. It work that way.

Yes, it's for layering.

I use this object ( to create a zeroconf device in Max7 in another port (1234), then send the soundplane app to this port, and dispatch 3123 to Kaivo, 3125 to Aalto (I don't know why, 3124 doesn't work), 3125 to my modular via silent way and 3126 to control Reaper.

It's just a little bit CPU heavy ;)

By the way, I use Reaper as an host, and when you dont setup the track with a MIDI input (even a fictive one) and turn on the record monitoring, you have a big latency for Kaivo and Aalto controlled by OSC. I don't know why, but it seems to work well in this way.

Another interesting feature could be the possibility to directly address several OSC port in parallel directly in the soundplane app.

These boards are beautiful ;)
My preference goes to the n°11, then n°9,21,24 or another board with circles.