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Hi Randy, Unfortunately I jumped the gun. I'm still having instances when Sumu has no sound. RE: When there is no sound does the output scope freeze like this? - Yes.
It's very frustrating as Sumu cannot be used if on opening a saved project no sound is produced. Do you know what's causing it and if you have a fix?

I have downloaded the latest Sumo and tested in Live, OSX Native. Note a new Live version just came out. It seems to be ok now for me. I loaded 2 Sumu's on separate tracks, different presets, saved closed open, and it sounds ok.

My experience is engage Sumu , go through the presets, some work some don't, meaning no sound. Finding a preset that works , save the project. On starting up that project again, no sound. It is sporadic, a preset may not work on first engagement then on second plugin engagement it works.

Same issue of no sound for some presets in Live 12 Suite, M2 Sonoma 14.5. They sometimes work then no sound at all. Usually happens when saving a project and recalling the project . On initiating Sumu again on the channel the preset does not sound. Ive tried AU and VST3. Same problem