randy's Recent Posts

Is the Aalto different when it kicks into t3d mode ( mapping x,y,z from gui etc. ) Can i send along any DeviceId. The Lemur tries to update around 60Hz, is this to slow.
Maybe its a waste of time without proper expressive instrument, but i am just a bit curious.

Yes, it displays a notice that you are in t3d mode, and sends out x, y, data etc.

No, I would love to see this work with a Lemur--I'm too slammed to do anything about it now (and don't have an iPad) but will happily support this work with answers etc.

hi randy thankyou for this FREE update.
i have a small prob with mouse going on the waveguide delay. it changes very, very quick. is this normal

If you want to fine adjust the waveguide (or any control), you can hold shift, then drag. Or, you can click to set it where you want.

I am having trouble with the scaling. When I drag from the lower right corner, the UI scales up, but the window does not. I am left with the same size window - but a cropped UI...
ableton live 8 / osx 10.5.8

Strange to hear, because I also use Live 8 here and I have never seen this problem. I would try upgrading to Live 8.2.2 if you don't have that version.

A bit offtopic, but as a software developer I was wondering how the new vector-based UI was implemented, resp. which GUI-library was used?

Aalto is written for Mac OS and Windows using JUCE. JUCE provides the low level drawing and interaction code on top of which I implement my own GUI components.

Not yet, although I might add OSC parameter automation to the next minor update.

What the t3d stuff is, is a way to get the high speed, high res touch data from Soundplane to Aalto. So if you wanted to, you could program some other 3d touch controller to send out notes to Aalto using this method.

T3d is designed to pass high res multitouch data, so it's easier to work with than MIDI for Soundplane-like situations where each note is articulated individually.

But yeah, I made the format open so people can play Aalto using other controllers one of these days, and when I get time I'll contribute to that work.

I have to say, it's not trivial to do, because the t3d format not really a typical OSC device format---it's designed to send touch data as fast as possible and recover gracefully from dropouts. Basically descended from TUIO2 if that's any help.

You can just install over the previous version.

Good idea.

I'll check out these soundfiles soon, thanks for taking the time. The sound is not any different on purpose.

CPU load might be due to drawing---for a better comparison of the audio you could test with the window closed in each case.

All parameters change in the smallest visible amount when the shift key is held down (fine adjust.) So, I think your mousewheel is sending multiple "ticks" at once. Maybe there is a way for you to adjust it in your system settings.

I have never tried Bidule.

I think, a toggle converts a float parameter into an integer 0/1 by dropping the non-integer part. So if you used the range 0.0-1.0 you would still always be less than 1. Why don't you try 0-2?

It should be possible but some code might have to be written to extend those apps. Or a new app written. I don't really have time to do it myself but I would love to see someone take this project on.

I don't have any idea why it would have to break in. Please keep me posted.

I can tone the gradient down a bit for you gradient haters.

FYI the original "flat" version has a gradient on it too. I just made it more obvious.

The dial buttons and toggle switch backgrounds are closer to the overall background color now because some people used to white backgrounds were confusing off (dark square on a light blue background) with on (white or other color on light blue background). So the "on" state now has lots more contrast away from the background than the off state, which is better.

Is OSC t3D implementation a classic format and how to too know the good address..? usable with something else than Soundplane..?

There should be enough info in t3d thread in Hardware forums to get started.

_what is the midi program change code you use, don't seems to work here ..?

Normal program change messages should work.

_small typo issue: in my reel name there's a "éa" and in this version, it's become é ..... ;-)

Aalto sadly doesn't speak Unicode yet for names, sorry. we can fix this in your account. Please email to remind me.

Group answer:

I have fixed the licenses for everyone who mentioned not finding "My Downloads" here.

1.3.0 really shouldn't sound any different. There are some fixes to how parameters are scaled but these shouldn't affect existing patches. Curious. If you want to send an example that would be great.

There is no reason to install the new patches if you have 1.2.6. I'll put out some updated user patches soon hopefully.

great username BTW thewalkingforest. You should be able to download now .

By all y’all I just mean the people who let me know here. Should be working OK for most. If it's not, let me know.

OK, I do believe I've fixed it for all y'all.

It's just hard to predict when all the problems will be solved. I'm working on it... hard.

People have betas and they are looking good. Likely just a few days.

Looks like we do now.

Patches made for the "Aalto for Soundplane" beta will need a tweak or two to work with Soundplane in Aalto 1.3, coming in a few days. Just FYI. Aalto1.3 goes into Soundplane / t3d mode when it detects an appropriate device, but otherwise listens to MIDI.

Posted without much comment. This was the quick patch I made for doing some vocals with Bruno Pronsato this year at Decibel. Fun and addictive.

An app made from the patch is included in the zip file for those who don't have Max/MSP.

16 Mb zip

A quick post from Victoria, BC. I'll be giving a lecture and a Soundplane workshop here at the University as part of a series celebrating the 100th birthday of Alan Turing. Also presenting over the next two days will be Jaron Lanier and Adam Tindale. See the schedule of events here:

Alan Turing Lectures

I will look into this... after I get the 1.3.0 release out. Meanwhile please let me know what host / operating system you are talking about!

Weird. I heard from another player who has worse noise in the 0.98 software than before. So it's possible that I have done something that makes this software worse for some Soundplanes. I will be investigating this week and send out a new version ASAP.

Try hitting "recalibrate" when you see the noise-- does that help? I added new anti-noise calibration in the latest software but it's possible it is not detecting some intermittent noise, and making bad decisions in some cases.

Another temporary fix is to set "lopass" on the expert page down to something like 10. This will make the response slower but should lessen the noise greatly.


Hmm hoodies are kind of pricey. But you can't fly your Aalto colors in the Winter with a t-shirt. Decisions, decisions.

I'm close to finishing the Aalto 1.3 upgrade. I had a request for a sneak peek, so here you go. The 1.3 version leaves the sound engine exactly the same, but adds a few of the MIDI and usability features most requested by users. Mostly people complained that Aalto's UI was just too big overall. So I hope you enjoy the new, smaller version:

Cute little guy, ain't he. Wait, what? You said it was too small already? OK, enjoy the new, bigger version:

And yes, you can smoothly resize between the two.

If you look closely, you can see evidence of new capabilities that will be coming. The list is not set in stone and will include some things depending on whether I have time to finish in the next couple of weeks. So I'll hold off on announcing new features until the release is out.

Since my site update this morning, there has been a problem with downloading registered copies of Aalto.

I'll fix this ASAP and post an update here when it's done. Sorry for any trouble.

[EDIT] Fixed.