randy's Recent Posts

The hidden Library folder issue with Mac OS 10.8 is something I should document better. Sorry you got frustrated by this and I'm glad it worked out OK.

Aalto is not a standalone, it is a VST / AU plugin only. Please read the Getting Started section in the manual for more info on formats and installation.

If you would like to return your software, email me at support@madronalabs.com.

Audulus looks cool, but I have not had a chance to try it.

I tried the Renoise demo (2.8.1) on 10.6.8 here and found no menu issues.

I did run into a problem with the "Instrument Settings" pane in Renoise not finding the presets. I’ll see what I can do but since there are good workarounds this is not a high priority issue for me.

I’ve fixed some menu issues for Aalto 1.4 but not seen the exact problem you describe before. I'll download the Renoise demo and give it a look.

I wouldn’t want you to think I'm just lying around enjoying my summer. :-) More information soon!

Hmm, sorry to hear. Does it happen with any other hosts?

Well I'm working mostly on the new plugin here. Aalto 1.4 is a collection of various improvements will come out some time this summer. Mostly compatibility and stability work, no big new features. My plan is that Aalto 2 will come out in Fall sometime.

Nope, no Windows news.


Making aupreset files requires Apple APIs, so there is no way to do it on Windows. Maybe you can use someone’s Mac for a minute where it’s a very quick process using the preset menu -> "convert presets".

Hmmm, glad it’s working now. Multiple instance should work fine, I'm not sure what the problem was. If you get the error again, please let me know here.

Yup, I see what you mean. Good ideas.

I’ll check to make sure this is working as intended. Obviously you wouldn’t want the window jumping around when you were clicking through a bunch of patches. But we do want window position to be saved with a DAW document.

two birds, one stone... having tempo or sequencer sync would be a way to sync all the LFOs to each other as well. If you don’t sync them the LFOs will drift apart by design.

The window size is not saved with the patch. Is Aalto changing window size when you switch patches?

If there were a way to sync the LFO to the host, this would synchronize all the voices. People have asked for this feature before, so I will look into doing this at some point soon.

Nice work, I can imagine a lot of these as movie or game backgrounds. I posted on Twitter with a link to your site.

I’ve just been checking out the thread on Muff’s—the design of this device is quite tasty.

Hmm, nothing comes to mind. I’m no Live expert myself. I would check out more Live docs and Will’s tutorials to see if they are germane.

HI Bob,

That parameter is probably mapped because you clicked on the control for it. Whenever Configure is lit, wiggling the control for a parameter in Aalto’s UI causes Live to generate an assignable control track for that parameter.

Looking forward to it!

This link has the right sizes: American Apparel size chart

I plan to take more preorders later this summer so everyone can get the size they want.


The filter / output knob should be assignable, but it might depend on your host. When you click "configure" in Live and move this knob, you will see its parameter "output_input_gain" show up so you can automate it. In Logic, you can access this parameter of the plugin directly in the Generic view.

It’s great sounding physical modeling made easy with an Aalto-style UI. Coming this summer!

I can't express how glad I am that I found Aalto!!!

Thanks for saying so!

Now that you've informally announced V.2, Any chance of an "amnesty period" for V.1 buyers as of a certain date, so we get V.2 when it's released?

Well, that makes sense. I suppose this period would be a month or so before the release. I have another plugin to get done first so we’re not quite there yet!

We are just talking about roughly a $20 upgrade for existing Aalto owners.

That’s great news! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for being a model citizen by editing the topic "FIXED." :-)

Well that’s interesting news. I will have to reconsider my policy, at least when doing business in the EU. I don’t have time to absorb everything now but will take a look in the future.

I wonder though, how this affects, say, iPad apps. You can’t transfer them, right? So, are they all illegal in the EU?

I imagine nobody would bother to resell a $4.99 app, but then, I did not imagine anyone would want to resell an Aalto license.

I sent the news out to the mailing list the same morning, sorry you missed it! Once I collect a dozen or so of people who missed out and want one I can probably do another small run.

Aalto 2 will be a paid upgrade.

I don’t think I’ll be adding any new modules, but the LFO will almost certainly get some attention.

Sorry, I didn't see this post before now, please feel to email me if you don't hear back!

The quantized key is generated from the current position always and immediately if quantizing is on. Unless "note lock" is on, then the first key is held for the duration of the touch. After that the quantized values are sent through the portamento filter, if the change is plus or minus one key (horizontal). If the change is > 1 key, portamento is not applied. After that a vibrato value is created from the speed of motion of the touch within the key. Vibrato is added to the current fractional key value from the portamento filter. The result is sent out OSC and via MIDI pitch bend when possible.