randy's Recent Posts
Glad it's working for you.
I will add search here soon. meanwhile you can go to google and type for example "site:madronalabs.com tuning tables"
OK, I needed some good news today!
Great news thanks!
This should make a fix easy to find.
The 1.6 update has brought with it more bugs than usual. Sorry for any inconvenience.
1.5 installers available
For those of you who didn't save your previous installers, and are hosed, I made a 1.5.0 installer to help you get back to work ASAP. To download you will need a license for the special 1.5.0 product. Ask by emailing support @ madrona labs . com and I will send you one.
I'm going to make threads for the various issues people are seeing. If you see your issue being discussed in a thread, what can help me most is if you simply chime in with your OS / Host specs so I can get more data.
Yep, it's easier for everyone if there's only one place where all the patches go. So I just use the name to file the factory patches.
I'll change it to look for "Aalto[space]" in the next version. Or I guess I could do something more clever like look for dash Aalto and then leave out the dash. But in my experience cleverness usually leads to more problems later...
So, I have Yosemite installed here and can reproduce the 1.6 issues with Live. The good news is that there only seems to be a problem with the 32-bit version. 64-bit is working fine.
On the 32-bit version the following things happen:
- AU version does not load at all
- VST version has the blank window problem
This is with Live 9.1.7 32-bit, Aalto 1.6, Mac OS 10.10.2.
I'll get on this next week. Meanwhile, please try the 64-bit version of Live if you are having problems.
Sorry you're having trouble, I will give this a try ASAP.
One thing that might help in the meantime is using a different process buffer size in FL / Studio One if possible. Do you know what buffer size you are using currently?
The patches come with the demo installer. But I think I see: maybe you want to install just the patches. I should make a patch-only one. Meanwhile, you can just run the demo installer, and then run your personalized installer again. Or move the .dlls in VSTPLUGINS yourself.
Thanks for the additional info, I appreciate it.
That was quick.
Sorry, you are going to have to remind me what drawing problem you are talking about though. I'm going to be doing updates a lot more frequently this year, so hopefully I can get you a fix soon.
never mind, I guess you mean the one above. I have Live 9.1.7 and it's working fine, so I'll have to try Yosemite now.
So the information on JUCE is not right, because I am using the latest version.
Hey, it's out!
I hear you and have thought about this a little. Crossfade is an interesting option. For consistency I would want it to visually adjust both of the little wet / dry dials so one knew what was going on. That might work OK.
I was hoping to get this out yesterday but found one more Windows issue... working on the deploy process now.
Hello and thanks!
I am still using 1.1.2 here. I would recommend you stay with 1.1.2 until the next update.
Aalto is not an application, it is a plugin in VST and AU formats. You will have to use it with a VST or Audio Unit host. Some of the popular hosts are Ableton Live, GarageBand, FL Studio, and so on. How to load it depends on what host you are using.
If you would like some help finding a good host, let me know something about how you plan to use Aalto and I will try to steer you in the right direction.
Or if you know all this and have a host you are using, let me know what it is and where things failed exactly.
Anything that gets sent out is because of a zone that tells the app what to send. Zones, both for notes and controllers, send out either OSC or MIDI or both depending on whether those are active in the Soundplane app. So, the short answer is there is no loss in resolution.
The program change message doesn't need to go through the KEY module events stuff, so it works even when receiving t3d.
Aalto is not getting more voices in 1.6, I'm saving that for a future release.
Yes, I never thought about wanting to change the program via OSC. After 1.6 is released I'll see if I can allow some MIDI along with the OSC without breaking anything.
@droolmaster0, yeah, no way to PM here for now. I do know that cyanwave sold his Soundplane. I am planning to build one or two more from parts I have in stock after I finish the Aalto update, so please stay tuned.
These are good ideas. Thanks for the feedback.
You can also use MIDI program changes to switch between patches in the "MIDI Programs" directory with different patterns. Make a "MIDI Programs" directory in ~/Music/Madrona Labs/Kaivo, and any patches you have in there should be available by pgm change message.
Hi and thanks for your interest.
Until I implement search on the site, you can use Google to search the forums here: "site:madronalabs.com query"
The client software is still changing relatively quickly as I add features. There is no finished manual yet, only the read me file.
Yes, in the Soundplane software you can make a map where any rectangle of keys, as small as one key, is assigned to an arbitrary note. So any layout is possible and can of course be saved.
I think tunings are a job for the instrument side, so I have implemented .scl and .kbm file reading in Aalto and Kaivo.
Yes, most people play with pitch rounding on. Both videos on the Soundplane page on the site are played with initial pitch rounding on.
The Soundplane can communicate with Kyma via OSC or MIDI.
Soindplane interoperates with all MIDI instruments and devices, software and hardware, in the usual ways that a MIDI source such as a keyboard would. So of course the data can be recorded, etc., and sent to many other systems. I haven't personally tried Bidule but it should work.
That sounds very painful! I'm sorry I couldn't provide a better solution. But I don't have a handle on what is going on there yet.
Hopefully Aalto 1.6 coming very soon with a new preset location will end the problems.
If you created the folder while Aalto was active, it might not have refreshed to show the folder. Closing the Aalto UI and opening it again should fix this.
This is the first I've heard about it. So I have no idea, but I will look into it!
When quantize is on, the closest key center is always chosen. The hysteresis dial selects a boundary size around the current key. When the touch moves outside this boundary, the quantized touch moved to the new closest key center. After quantizing, portamento is applied.
Vibrato is made as follows: the position is high-pass filtered at around 3 Hz, then the result is subtracted from the raw signal to get a vibrato signal. This vibrato signal is scaled by the "vibrato" dial then added to the pitch output. Quantizing does not affect vibrato.
OSC is just a way of sending around messages, like MIDI but more flexible and with more resolution. The Soundplane can control Kyma or Aalto using OSC or MIDI. there's no link over OSC between Kyma and Aalto (that I'm aware of!)
with "OSC parameters directly" I meant the way to go in a future world where I have written that feature. Sorry to disappoint. The feature will be Aalto / Kaivo recognizing parameter changes over OSC directly. I plan to do this in the next version, I can see a lot of uses for it.
The Soundplane part should be working. You can put an OSC controller address into the zone, and it should send out values on that address. But Aalto / Kaivo are not listening for them.
So, you mean using OSC through the mod outputs in the KEY module? That part was not clear.
Currently the KEY module is either listening to MIDI or OSC, but not both. I think a combination is likely to be confusing if not done carefully. I hear what you want to do though, and it's a reasonable thing.
I think the way to go might be using OSC parameters directly (not through the patcher.) this way the KEY module stays simple and you can send a parameter directly to whatever you want, not limited to having only 3. You would need to program the zones in the Soundplane app with the right controller names.
I'll save this for post 1.6 then.