ForumsSoftware ← Sumu VST3 very buggy in Komplete Kontrol

Partials display is not showing and it keeps cutting out the sound when I switch presets

M1 Mac Studio Max, 64 GB RAM, Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1

Sorry its not going smoothly, I'll have an update out soon that should address this.

Thanks - finding the same problem in NewSonicArts Freestyle - only with the VST3 though

Partials display is also absent in VCV Rack

I fixed the partials display and the crash. FYI VCV Rack still has other UI and display issues with Sumu.

Gottcha thanks for the reply Randy.

Good to hear, is the fix just internally as the latest installer version still has the partials invisible bug

It's not yet out. I'm working on a final issue I need to fix so I can ship Early Access 3.