An update of Aalto and Kaivo to version 1.8.4 is available now on the product pages. This fixes a few compatibility issues that showed up in recent versions of Live, and a bug introduced in version 1.8.3 where Kaivo would stop making reasonable sound.
Aalto and Kaivo changes:
- removed debug code that was causing a crash in certain hosts
- streamlined OSC services
- add master_tune program parameter, accessible via program text
- fixed t3d input in unison mode
Kaivo-only changes:
- fixed a filter bug that could lead to runaway noise
- improve interpolation filters in Body
The master_tune
parameter addresses the need of some players to move the reference pitch of A to some value other than 440 Hz. This parameter is saved with each patch. To edit it, first select "copy to clipboard" to get the patch as text then paste into a text editor. Change the value after "master_tune", and then paste the text back into the plugin using "paste from clipboard." I'll be adding a UI for this feature in the future but for now, this works and lets you tune Aalto to your old piano or whatever.
The interpolation filter change to Kaivo should not be too obvious, but may be noticeable as a reduced harshness when sending bright tones to the body.
Thanks for letting us know about this update. Sorry, I couldn't find a link to download the 1.8.4 updates. Where do I download these updates?
Thanks, Marc
when scanning after update, KAIVO vst3 got accepted, but AALTO vst 3crashed my live 10suite (imac i7 highsierra) immediately and got blocked from rescanning
I update Aalto 1.8.4. , but Aalto AU and VST crashed my Ableton Live 10(Mac OS 10.13.6).
weird, vst and au are fine here, but vst3 not..
same here windows 10, Aalto crashes Live 10.06 and was marked as invalid
Kaivo o.k.
All the updates are available from the main product pages as usual.
I'm trying in Windows 10 as well as Mac OS and have experienced no crashes. Sorry for the difficulty. I have no idea what is going on but I'll hopefully find out soon with your help.
When you report an issue, please please send also all the version numbers of your OS and host! Not just the names like "10 Suite" or "High Sierra" but the numbers e.g. "Live 10.0.6" and "Mac OS version 10.13.1".
If you got a crash please send Ableton or MacOS crash logs to: support@madronalabs.com
I do not make a VST3 version of either Aalto or Kaivo. If you are seeing that a VST is present, where do you see this information?
If you have Live 10 but less than 10.0.6, please upgrade to the latest version of Live because there are known issues with plugins in 10.0.3, -4.
Also it looks like there's no released version of Live that supports VST3. If you are trying to use a Live 10.1 beta please let me know. I can't support beta versions of hosts, but I'll be willing to try running it to track down any issues.
this is really almost creepy: i would have sworn i'd read vst3 and there was a vst3 AALTO after installation in my ableton, but of course you are right, there is NOT. Sorry, it was really late after work and was completely tired and over the top.
my bad, sorry for posting this nonsense here! (but yes, i am using/trying live 10 beta at the moment)
still, AALTO crashes ableton.
i send you another crash report, that includes all system information too
ps when i just checked again the update announcement on KVR, i realized, that i updated 3 plugins from different companies simultaneously. If that is any excuse for my imaginary vst3's...
I still can't reproduce this crash. All my tests are passing.
Happy to rule out some VST3 weirdness.
It seems like all the Mac crashes are on High Sierra, so I'm going to try installing that.
Meanwhile 1.8.3 is still available:
Mac: http://madronalabs.com/media/aalto/Aalto1.8.3.pkg
Win: http://madronalabs.com/media/aalto/AaltoInstaller1.8.3.exe
Since they are newer you will have to delete your 1.8.4 plugins manually first, then install 1.8.3.
Hi Randy,
my Aalto doesnt show up in Studio One 4, Bitwig and Ableton 10.0.1.
I´m on Win7 SP2 Ultimate 64 Bit.
Everything was fine with 1.8.3....but now i didnt know whats happend.
The .dll was on the right place also the Presets but when I start any DAW
Aalto doenst show up
Here is definately a problem with the new Version of Aalto 1.8.4
When i know uninstall Aalto 1.8.4 and want to install my bought Version 1.8.1
the same thing Aalto doesnt show up in Studio one 4 always newest Version, Bitwig and Ableton 10.0.1. now.
Reaper 9.731 don't Crash in Windows 10, but Aalto don't Show up in the Plug in List
Hi Randy- Thanks so much for the Kaivo filter fix. I've been meaning to report that for ages. but here at 96Khz, a restart after 15 minutes usually dampened my ardor. Been running a mix for about an hour now with nary an issue. All the best for your music making!
[EDIT: womp womp]
@datolar If you want to go back to an older version, you must remove the Aalto DLL files manually before running the installer.
I figured this out. Update today or tomorrow.
OK, the 1.8.5 release for Mac and Windows is posted.
Aalto 1.8.5 WiN is working VERY FINE
Thank you for your great Support !!!!
All the best for you
Hi Randy. Thank you for all your support on and on...
Strange thing. I didn´t recieve newsletters for the latest updates. I showed by here in the forum and found out right now about it. I am registered for the newsletter. Didn´t you send out letters for that matter?
Hi, no I haven't sent out an email about this. I have been waiting to finish something else I'm working on so I can combine the two news items into one message. I'll send it out soon in any case. best.
Okay :)
How to to the Update of Aalto??
Cheers Chris
just download the demo from https://madronalabs.com/products/aalto and install. No need to re-register.
I just downloaded the demo from https://madronalabs.com/products/aalto and installed ... the update did not take place ...?
Can you give me a little more information? Your operating system? At what step did things go wrong?