manix24's Recent Posts


I can not install Altoverb 2.01 on my Win 10 PC it don't show up in Live 11 and it don't show up in Reaper.I have to manually remove Aaltoverb 1 than the Installer works but it don't show up in the host.When I don't remove AV1 I get a fault message during the installation process

Thank you for support


I solved the Problem there was a gray Aaltoverb Folder in my VST3 Folder, I opend it and put the Aaltoverb VST3 dll in the VST3 Folder, it works now :o) and shows up in all of my hosts. :o)

Three Thumbs up :o)

Reaper 9.731 don't Crash in Windows 10, but Aalto don't Show up in the Plug in List

same here windows 10, Aalto crashes Live 10.06 and was marked as invalid
Kaivo o.k.