ForumsSoftware ← Aalto and Kaivo betas crashing Cubase 9

just FYI. Virta seems to work fine.

Mac or windows?

Mac OSX Sierra...

its also crashing Cubase 8.5 (Sierra)

 0   com.madronalabs.aalto          0x000000013d5a6aa7 juce::BigInteger::BigInteger(juce::BigInteger const&) + 23
 1   com.madronalabs.aalto          0x000000013d53ae81 JuceVSTWrapper::getSpeakerArrangement(VstSpeakerArrangement**, VstSpeakerArrangement**) + 449
 2   com.madronalabs.aalto          0x000000013d5371af AudioEffectX::dispatcher(int, int, long long, void*, float) + 767
 3   com.madronalabs.aalto          0x000000013d539d1b JuceVSTWrapper::dispatcher(int, int, long long, void*, float) + 427
 4   com.madronalabs.aalto          0x000000013d537fa7 AudioEffect::dispatchEffectClass(AEffect*, int, int, long long, void*, float) + 23

Thanks for the update.

If you go into your VST folder and rename Aalto.VST to Aalto.vst, does it change anything?

no, not for me. Still crashes. But the old Kaivo release version 1.2.1 with .VST extension loads fine.

odd, thanks for the info.

I've tried a fix but I'm working a bit blind without having Cubase to test. Can you please give this raw VST a try? If it doesn't work I'll have to get a copy of Cubase and work on this for real. I wish they didn't make that so difficult.

Is it working for you in other hosts?

yup that fixes crash for both Cubase 8.5 and 9.0 :)

btw: Im not really able to test much more than loading, cant live with demo restrictions :)
if you send me my license keys, I'm happy to install all the betas and then use daily.

I'm planning to update the site tomorrow morning... if it doesn't happen by then I'll get you your codes special delivery! Thanks very much for your help.

same here. haven't been using the betas cause of demo restrictions as well. happy to wait if its a pain making keys for betas and all.

Are these Cubase crashes fixed in the release versions?