ForumsSoftware ← Smoothing on Polyphonic Aftertouch?

I'm using Aalto with the Snyderphonics Manta, and mapping the pad pressure to polyphonic aftertouch. The issue is that it's possible for the aftertouch values to change very quickly, which seems to cause a 'zipper' type noise if, for instance, I assign aftertouch to filter cutoff. Is there any filtering or smoothing that is applied to the aftertouch signal?

I'm using Aalto 1.3.1 hosted in AU Lab on OSX Lion.

To give you an idea of the signals I'm getting, see the below dump from MIDI Monitor. The first column is a timestamp, the last column on the aftertouch rows is the aftertouch value:

14:42:21.202 From MacManta Note On 1 E3 8

14:42:21.202 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 12

14:42:21.208 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 20

14:42:21.216 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 27

14:42:21.224 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 35

14:42:21.231 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 42

14:42:21.239 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 47

14:42:21.245 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 52

14:42:21.254 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 55

14:42:21.261 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 62

14:42:21.269 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 68

14:42:21.277 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 77

14:42:21.286 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 84

14:42:21.291 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 90

14:42:21.300 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 96

14:42:21.307 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 98

14:42:21.315 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 102

14:42:21.330 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 103

14:42:21.337 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 105

14:42:21.346 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 103

14:42:21.354 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 101

14:42:21.361 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 94

14:42:21.369 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 83

14:42:21.375 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 70

14:42:21.383 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 59

14:42:21.392 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 41

14:42:21.400 From MacManta Aftertouch 1 E3 13

14:42:21.407 From MacManta Note Off 1 E3 0

There is no filtering on the aftertouch signal. I guess it would be a good thing overall to add it. I'll look at the code and see if there's any reason I can't.

If you use the aftertouch signal with some of the other inputs that have vactrol emulations on them, you will get smoothing there. These are timbre, the gate level and the OSC mod index.

Hi Randy,

Great, thanks for being so responsive, and generally providing an amazing product!
