atlasglaas's Recent Posts

issues here in Live 12, Macbook M3 Pro, 14.1 with the latest release:

I am encountering a new bug where patches will just start pulsing, while the particles in the Space module randomly disperse in whichever way they see fit, even when nothing is patched into the module / there is no modulation. It is really frustrating... I've also noticed that the scale dial in Space also tends to generate audio artifacts when modulated, and the modulation itself is very... sequenced or stuttery, for lack of a better term. There is no smoothness to the modulation like I would expect. Is that intentional?
It affects the sound of the partials module (more harsh artifacts) when patched into the 2nd gate.

The last thing I am able to note today is that there appears to be value scaling issues when automating different parameters in Ableton, and in general Sumu currently doesn't play very nice with external modulators such as LFOs.

Maybe I am pushing it too hard, I don't know. I hope I can figure this out soon. There is one patch in particular that I'd really like to use for a track, but with the current issues I think it is better to wait. :(

Hello all,

I am running Sumu on a 2024 Macbook M3 Pro, 18GB Memory on OS 14.1

One instance of Sumu tops my CPU out at 20%, which is not insignificant for one plug-in, but I consider this more of a teething issue than anything else. I am sure this will be addressed over time.

I think like everyone, I am experiencing this annoying GUI bug, but I am able to live with it as I have two screens; though, I will note that this bug does make Sumu too large to use on my Retina Display (which sucks, because the UI is beautiful).

Would it be possible to update the patch launcher/index, so that it does not immediately change a patch upon first click? I've lost quite a few nice patches to this, as I am so used to Aalto. I miss this functionality.

I also very much miss the indicators/animations on the patch dials that allow one to see just how much the dial is affecting the modulation. This is extremely minor, but it would be super cool to see this brought back. I find visual-feedback to be most helpful for the kind of work I do.

I'll have more feedback for later, but I these things stood out to me in my first session.

Randy / Madrona Team: thank you for making such amazing products. Even with these issues, I am head over heels in love with Sumu. I am very much looking forward to see how it evolves over time. :)