peterhannan's Recent Posts

I downloaded aalto 1.5 yesterday, but when I open it in Logic Pro 10.0.6 the CPU appears to be maxed out. Works as normal in Live 9.

I've very much enjoyed aalto since I started using it a few months ago.

Incidentally, I have to change my password every time I visit your site.

Computer: retina macbook pro 2013- 16gb ram.

I'm using an apogee duet (the recent ipad/mac one).
I tried as you suggested running internal audio-- no change in the cpu situation.

I do seem to have stayed logged in though!

Tried as you suggested in Logic. Immediate spike to max cpu.
The cpu does drop if I close the Aalto window, although not as low as in Live 9. then spikes again when I reopen it.

I'm running OS 10.8.5

Tried to login to your website in safari, firefox, and google chrome (that I've never used before today). No go.