levendis's Recent Posts

May i be so bold as to ask for an additional option? One which resizes the partial count. If handling, say, 16 or 32 partials, as alternative to 64, cuts CPU usage, then i'd be happy to work with that fidelity in resynthesis.

To digress, i'd also like to submit for consideration a Modulus Time output on the KEY module. This would have Time periodically reset, like a basic ramp LFO.

It may be worth stating that there's a limit of 4channels to audio importable into the Granulator. i tried with more, without success.

Very much looking forward to hearing it. Looks to be plenty of opportunity to patch 'wrong' pairs too! Versatile use of note duration is a nice touch <3

Hi Randy, i'm having an issue with Virta's vocoder. When i load a project that has an instance of Virta with 'Vocoder 256' set as Formant Mode, there's no output or visual graphing of carrier and program. Selecting another entry, and then the 'Vocoder 256' entry, in the Formant Mode menu revives the plugin. Saving patches with other Formant Modes selected works as expected.

Beautiful, sunny-sublime album.

Thanks Randy :)
i've updated the pdf to include another set of routing possibilities:
Virta in FL Studio

Here's some methods for using Virta in FL Studio, written to PDF. (This is the first time i've authored a PDF, so please excuse its dowdiness) - Virta in FL Studio.

i noticed that if you left-mouse-click the gap between pulse squares, the first one toggles on and off.

Thanks. i've just tested for the same with Aalto and found it occurs there too. Here's a short video demonstrating the behaviour. It took a few attempts 'cause it's a small space:

My fingers are salivating!
Live audio input to your synths is gonna be beautiful!

Kaivo's update has odd behaviour with the KEY module.

Test patch:

  1. Load default preset.
  2. Set GRANULATOR's rate dial down to 0.
  3. Set KEY's glide down to 0.
  4. Connect KEY's gate output connection to GRANULATOR's trig input.
  5. Playing my MIDI keyboard at this point works reasonably. Occasionally it sticks on the previously played key.
  6. Set KEY's glide to somewhere above 0.
  7. Playing my MIDI keyboard at this point yields the sticky note behaviour consistently.

demo v.1.0 vs. v.1.1:

i then installed the demo v.1.0 and ran through the above test patch. This version worked perfectly when i played my MIDI keyboard with the glide set to any value.

As an aside, Kaivo sounds wonderful!

i'm looking forward to more RESONATOR and BODY models. Ones in the gelatinous mode would be a giggle :p

FR: A way to circumvent use and/or creation of multichannel audio samples. i would love to append samples in the GRANULATOR's y-direction. Effectively, stacking mono and/or stereo samples in Kaivo, as opposed to, an external sample editor.


32bit Kaivo 1.1 and Kaivo demo 1.0
MIDI keyboard

So embarrassed.

Enabling GRANULATOR's follow switch returned the behaviour i was after.

Thanks for your patience.

Yes, that GRANULATOR module is fascinating! It's only been a day of exploring, for me, so i'm still getting my head around how its controls correlate. It's clear, however, there's oodles of possibilities.

Regarding the example above, when i said "sticky note", i refer to pitch value, not that the release stage didn't occur. The KEY pitch output is sent to GRANULATOR's logarithmic pitch and rate inputs. With one KEY voice.

eg. playing the sequence on a keyboard:

note 1, note 2, note 3,…

and Kaivo outputs:

note 1, note 1, note 2, note 3,…

This is true when the KEY glide time is above zero. Prior to yesterday, i had the demo of version 1.0 and i just happened to notice this difference.

Sorry to reiterate. i hope i've supplied sufficient information.

Thank you Randy.
Now that i'm free of the limits of the demo version, i shall dive joyfully into Kaivo.
Aalto still gets a lot of love on my system. No doubt, the same will be said of its sibling.

Those audio demos sound great! Very much looking forward to working with Kaivo :)

Realtime DAW audio recording of knob tweakage in Zynewave Podium:

  • Right-click track header and select "Enable Realtime Record Bouncing".

  • Ctr+click the B (Bounce) and R (Record) track buttons.

  • Hit record.

Knob tweaks, midi notes and program changes are recorded as an audio render (bounce)as well as note and automation lanes. Playback of either can be toggled.

You can then move the bounce to another track and record another take. Or export the bounce to .wav or .aiff file.

Also, the bounce can be rendered at any point in a track's hierarchy. ie:

  • Aalto's output.
  • Output after insert effects.
  • Output of nominated insert effect slot.


Switching presets with Aalto's interface, while recording, will yield an automation lane, in Podium, for every parameter.

Use Podium's preset manager to write one lane for patch/bank selection :(

Usine trumps Podium when it comes to this function but well worth mentioning :)

p.s. I'm a newcomer to Aalto. Based on a number of recommendations, audio samples, and fiddling with the demo, I was charmed into adding it to my virtual studio.