randy's Recent Posts

Thanks for writing. I have a new hp laptop for Windows 10 and as soon as I get this next release out, I'm going to see about dual-booting it with Ubuntu.

Haha, I think some of the people waiting on this software update might disagree with you! But it's true, fall is a great time for new shirts. Please stay tuned.

Sorry, there is a problem with the note event code. Good news is, I'm working to fix it right now and the release should be soon.

I take it you are on Windows? I only see the issue there, for some reason.

The "fixed size buffer" setting in Reaper should work around the problem. Here are some other tips in a thread: http://madronalabs.com/topics/4541-buffer-issues-with-aalto-and-reaper

[EDIT] I might have been thinking of Fruity Loops re: the fixed size. I just went to test it and I can't find that setting in Reaper.

Way cool ! Great demo sounds.

Seems like it's working as intended. The plugins each remember the size of the window for each instance. So you can make a little Kaivo and a big one and they will remain that size when you load the project the next time.

What I think you are asking for is a global preference, that will control the size of any new window. This is a feature I can add.

The apparent CPU usage might be much better with this next version because i fixed some memory access problems that might be affecting some systems. After this, yes I do plan to work on multicore.

I have a Windows 10 machine set up here and I'm still trying to fix the stuck notes problem.

Kaivo normally remembers the window size. I checked in Bitwig and it works for me. Could it be only big sizes that are not being recalled properly? I don't have that much screen space to check.

Unfortunately this is a Logic problem as far as I can tell. If you pull up Aalto in Ableton Live, you will see that the exponential parameters like cutoff are handled correctly.

My docs are behind, and don't have mention of the MPE support. They are getting an overhaul when Aalto 2.0 comes around.

To use MPE, you can just click the "gear" or settings menu and select MPE as the protocol. It should enter the default setup where each voice is on one channel, with channel 1 acting as the "main" channel and all the voices on channels 2 and up. This is the default setup for MPE so should be compatible with the Seaboard, Linnstrument and so on. I don't have too many MPE testers yet, so please let me know how it goes.

Thanks for your support. I would like to do more tutorial videos, and will add a "multiple voice control" one to the list.

I fixed the code for the sale, sorry for the glitch

I wonder what you are expecting out of independently controlling the voices that you are not able to do. It's easy to send different signals to each voice using the vox output or pitch output of the KEY module. These signals can affect any parameter connected to a patcher output. But there are some constraints—from the vox output they are all spaced apart by a constant value.

Also if you want to use the sequencer, you can send just about any set of four values to the four voices. Look at the "seq chord" patch in the Aalto techniques category.

I guess you have checked out the manual PDF? We explained it there with words and drawings as best we could. Maybe with your feedback we can improve the explanation.

I'm pretty sure @monowolfe is reporting a different problem with timing that I introduced fairly recently. I'm in the guts of the timing code right now, so I'll see if I can address the other thing as well.

True, I mis-read. I can't think of a way to do this in Virta.

Then I missed the reply—sorry about that @martin. Feel free to bump a post or mail support if you don't get a response in a timely fashion.

There's an timing issue with the current version and some DAWs that send varying buffer sizes to the plugin. This is a problem I am working to fix for the next update, which should be very soon. Thanks for your patience.

Meanwhile, if you can find a way to set "fixed buffer size" or similar in your DAW, that should provide a workaround.

If you can install your plugins on any other machine, then you can grab the .dll files out of the C:\VSTPLUGINS folder, and move the patches in the Madrona Labs folder over as well. You can copy the whole Madrona Labs folder from /AppData/Roaming. That should be all you need to run.

Hi Neil,

All my plugin synths including Kaivo are able to make sound with or without receiving a MIDI note. This is a little different from most plugins, so I understand the confusion. It's more like using a hardware modular synth.

When you turn the level control in the GATE module up, for example, you allow whatever is coming into the gate to pass through to the output even if the sequencer is stopped. So Kaivo is its own sound design environment you can use independently of the DAW. Of course you have control of this, so if you don't want the drones anymore, just go to one of the "Kaivo keys" patches or the default patch.

After you import a sound file there is indeed no way to delete it through the Kaivo interface. Since the Kaivo browser can go to anywhere on the disk, I really didn't want people to be able to delete things. Maybe I could be more specific and just allow deletion of sound files within the Sounds folder? Anyhow, you can get rid of the files using Windows Explorer—they should be in /Appdata/Roaming/Madrona Labs.

This sounds like a bug—I'll file a report and investigate ASAP. Thanks for the report.

I hear the desire for Linux support. Slowly moving in that direction.

I still want to do a Linux version, but it will still be a while. Please keep in touch for news about madronalib, which will enable this change.

Nothing to report.

I hope you are feeling better!

Weird, I haven't heard of any problems with Aalto or Kaivo like you are describing. Virta, yes! And that's one I'm working hard on. I take it that others plugins and sound machines are working nicely on your laptop...

Please try the update coming soon and let me know how it goes.

There's no search built in here yet. You can use Google like this: "site:madronalabs.com thingToSearch"

You can use the trig input to the granulator to start a new grain when a key is pressed. Grains are always started in a round-robin fashion when a new trig comes in, or when the internal clock (set by rate) triggers a new one. Each voice has a maximum of 16 grains.

You can experiment with a rate of 0, maybe from there it will be easier to get to the behavior you are looking for. Grains will only be triggered by new notes. You probably want wrap off with a rate of 0, otherwise grains will go on indefinitely.

Also, turning on follow is needed for the grains to track a new note's pitch properly.

Hi Peter,

Don't worry about using the right terms, we're all here to improve understanding!

An incoming note on a MIDI channel triggers a voice. So if you play 8 notes on channel 1, and the DAW is sending channel 1 to Kaivo, you will have 8 voices playing. The DAW is really in charge of what note events to send to Kaivo or any plugin synthesizer.

The voices all have the same dial settings. So there is nothing more to find, there. A parameter is the sum of a dial setting plus a dynamic signal, however! And it is these dynamic signals that can be different for each voice.

The dynamic signals are what the multiple "needles" in each dial show. There is an illustration in the manual of multiple voices, each showing a different signal in a dial. Definitely give this section some attention.

Dynamic signals come from incoming note information, which will be different for each voice. Signals coming out of other modules can also be different for each voice. The most clear example is the "vox" signal in the KEY module. This signal has value 0 for voice 1, 1 for voice 2, 2 for voice 3 and so on. When you patch it to any destination you will see in the dial how it sets the parameter for each voice to a different value.

Thanks for the feedback. I don't know if FL studio will provide the needed data to make this happen. I can certainly make it work with drag + drop from the OS though, and that is indeed on my list.

P.S. nice gravatar.

if this is not working in the next update, there can be another soon after. The new license situation will make it much easier for me to get updates out. I might send out a demo-only beta you can test with in just a bit here too.

Yes, you can do this. You want to turn auto off on the noise generator, then send the get from the key module to the noise trig input so that every gate produces a new random value.

Hi Mark,

That OSC / MPE bug is fixed.

The library code will make its way into the Soundplane app. This should not produce any major changes in the Soundplane app however. I am excited to work on the new touch code after this release.

If I just open up a stereo track for recording on my laptop, the mic input comes into both channels. So I would think any mono input would do the same?