randy's Recent Posts

These parameters won't do anything useful for you. They are plumbing that makes things work behind the scenes and probably shouldn't be showing but if I removed them then it would mess up existing patches.

There's not currently a way to do this. I was trying to keep things very simple. But a few people have asked the same question so I'll try to provide a good way of moving the folder soon.

It was my plan that just making an alias in ~/Music would be a simple way to do what you want, but the plugins don't follow the alias properly right now when looking for the registration or patches. I'll try to fix this at the very least.

Thanks for the feedback.

Good idea, thanks! Printful (who makes the shirts) doesn't do stickers so I have to think on this a bit but I like stickers too... :-)

I'm excited too. Back to work on updating the other plugs this morning though. it's all part of the fun, as they say, but I can't wait to get back to wild sound experimentation.

Can confirm! It's the LFO, should be an easy fix.

It's been pushed back a little but still moving forward and I am excited to share more when I can. Too early for interface but a sound snippet soon I hope.

I was able to look at the thread on the Live forums and it looks like Ableton is aware of the issue and will fix for 10.0.3.

Thanks dale, got a link?

That's really interesting. And weird. I'll see what is different about the VST and AU versions.

Does this also happen when there is only one copy of Aalto?

You are sending really useful information, I hope I can track this down soon.

My guess is that some MIDI information is getting to Aalto that is messing it up. I have not heard of any bug matching these symptoms before.

If you make a new empty Ableton Live project and add an Aalto and some notes in a new clip to test it, can you get this to happen? What if you make three Aaltos?

Hey, I got into the work on Scala and tuning. I fixed some bugs. With this particular scale you sent though, the problem is in the scale here. Generally you want ratios in between 1/1 and 2/1. Most of these are less than 1, then the last ratio jumps up to 2.

Instead I would start this idea 25/23, 21/19, and so on. The ratio 1/1 before the scale is a given and the rest of them should be monotonically increasing from there.

It's the same as natural latex rubber foam. I'm sure there are a ton of suppliers you can find online.

V2 is a ways off yet, gotta finish sumu first for starters.

you can search this site by typing into google: "site:madronalabs.com" followed by your search.

I haven't seen any sharing of wavetables.

It's not going to be super accurate, because a kora has such a special body. But I bet if you play around with gut string resonators and a large box body you can get something evocative.

My guess would also be CPU use. If you turn the number of voices down to 1 it's an easy way to check this without messing with audio buffer sizes. Increasing the audio buffer size can be an effective fix.

By pressure I guess you mean note-on velocity? [edit] I guess if you don't mind a "pulse" that is not a constant amplitude you could map amplitude directly to pressure. Seems worth trying at least!

Hi there,

I'm still working to get a local search online or find a better forum software. Meanwhile you can use google to search within only this site like so:

"site:madronalabs.com Kaivo" (for example)

We have to get the touches working now and see what extra features make sense to implement. I hear that a selectable length trigger might be nice to have.

The granulator is the input to the physical models that follow. The input to models is also called the exciter sometimes. The exciter determines what comes out of the models, because for the most part only frequencies that are in the exciter can be in the output.

I say "for the most part" because a nonlinear model can produce frequencies not in its input. However nonlinear effects here are a small portion of the sound.

It may help to think of the models as collections of delays and reverbs. fundamentally there is no difference.

Yeah, it's hard to say what my relationship to that platform could be. Aaltoverb or other free things I might release in the future seem a natural fit. Beyond that I don't know. I'm not against it.

It's gonna have a display. Top dial selects a parameter and then the bottom dial changes that parameter. Both changes are shown on the display.

I'm doing one last load of laundry, have my boarding pass printed out, passport on the desk where I won't forget it, excited to be headed to Berlin for Superbooth 2018 in a few hours. It's the first public event of its kind I've done in a Madrona Labs capacity for several years, at least. I plan to meet a bunch of my customers, hear some concerts, and do a lot of talking about what's next in the World of Shiny Things that Make Noises.


We already know what the next shiny thing from Madrona Labs will be. The Soundplane-cv is a 12HP Eurorack module that powers the Soundplane and listens to it over USB, and puts out up to four touches as control voltages and gates, for a total of 16 outputs: gate, and assignable x y and z per touch. Brian and I did a big push on this project this month, and we now have finished hardware to poke at and talk about. The Mac still does a much better Soundplane demo, so we won't be demoing the Soundplane-cv, but we are very close to completing it. They will be available this summer.

Now where's my passport?

I'm glad to hear your nice comments on the interface, thank you!

MIDI learn has been a long time request and I will definitely be adding it.

OK, I hear all this and am sorry you can't use my instruments right now. I'm eager to fix this situation.

I've been looking at the Roland JV-1080 softsynth! Those sounds are very cool and of a certain time and a million miles away from what I will ever do...

What would I know? I just work here.

I've fixed a few issues and uploaded a new beta version for intrepid Kaivo users: Kaivo1.3.3b1.

This beta is for Mac OS only. I plan to ship the final Mac version as well as the Windows version next week. I'll also update the other plugins with the relevant fixes then.


  • bugfix: the sequencer was not retriggering from reset input
  • bugfix: .kbm mappings were not always using all notes
  • bugfix: .kbm mappings were not setting reference note properly
  • fixed a rare condition where the metal string resonator could lock up

If you noticed any changes in how your patches behaved after installing Kaivo 1.3.1, hopefully the sequencer fix will get them back in shape.

There is no doubt that I will be continuing to improve Kaivo and all the plugins. Right now there has been longer between updates than usual because I'm working on other things.

All my plugins are considered ready for sale at version 1.0. After that they continue to improve, hopefully.

The next release will not be about optimization, but rather fixes to scale and note handling and some other bugs that are on the list. I hope these address your stability issues.

I'm currently working on another project for Superbooth coming up next week. Afterwards I'll return to plugin work full time.

Thanks for your support and your patience.