swey's Recent Posts

Hi I just released another Aalto bank:


this one goes from extremes of soft, evolving, minimalistic cloud-like sounds to hard, clanking, chiming mechanical polyrythmic sounds - some even morph between both!

There's a free taster bank with 12 patches available from here:


they are not patches found in the Drone Machines bank but along similar lines musically (i.e. mainly gently generative soundscape/drone oriented sounds and textures)

Hi all

I have decided to share a small Aalto bank for this Xmas - 12 presets for 12 days of Xmas. Most are along the same lines as the patches in my Drone Machines bank - self generating but mostly quite subtle and unfolding, not the usual glitchy stuff Aalto excels at.


These are in Aalto native and Aupreset formats

Hi - just to let you know that although Xmas is over I am keeping this release going as a free addon to Drone Machines and taster for anyone who doesn't have it - so now download from here:


thanks for your comments

Hi I opened the new version in NI Kore 2 and found that the automation ID's are all mixed up - what was previously cutoff for example is now the mod amount for freq (hz). This could cause people who have previously saved projects in hosts with automation problems as their projects will sound very different. Can you change them back to how they were before?

None of the presets I have made in the vst version will open in Logic. I seem to remember there being a preset converter in Aalto but I can't seem to find it anymore.