oldmanfury's Recent Posts

Randy - I imagine you could just sort your list in the .utu file by peak intensity and pick out the dominant root notes. Could probably just take the 'hottest' partial and use its frequency for any times where there isn't any dominant note (silence, noise, transients). Vutu is very cool, BTW!

I'm wondering if it wouldn't be possible to have vutu pick out the fundamental for tuning purposes itself? Just pick the dominant frequency. I guess that might fail when there isn't one... or if the sample is a multi-note phrase. Would be really cool if it would pick the dominant note out, and sumu could map it to the closest keyboard note, and do this for a 'multi-note phrase', so that you could play/scrub anywhere within the sample and have it keep the same note. Just dreaming of sumu 2.0

OK - the manual had it right. So where is the '...' in the tuning module? The one for settings like midi channels?

"MIDI CCs (continuous control) you selected in the hidden settings (available by clicking the three dots in the corner of the module)."

And a random recommendation - set the polyphony to 4 for all presets, and let the user add as needed. Having so many patches crackle and pop is a downer - I could go through every preset and re-save with a setting appropriate for my computer (which is a decent PC), but I think that running out of polyphony is a subtle less-offensive problem by comparison.

Trying to import partials, and the mythical "..." in the "upper right corner" of the VST is missing on the windows version. What am I missing? It isn't there in the manual "An Annotated Map of Sumu" either, is it?