Dear Aalto users,
I dig Aalto quite well so far except for the difference between pulse (blue) and value (red) signals produced by the sequencer. Both are just signals and I don´t quite understand the difference between them both. The manual did not help me here either.
Can anybody bring a little light to that matter? I would be happy :)
P.S. I am so happy with this brilliant instrument. I find it is quite awesome regarding sound quality and the variety of sound possibility you can do from scratch.
The pulse and value signals are really the same thing, except the value signals can only be turned to 0 or 1 by the UI. Every signal in Aalto is just a floating point number, which in a hardware modular would be a voltage. I hope that makes sense.
Thank you for your help. Okay, I understand that but a more practical example would make it perfectly clear. Maybe there are ideal usages for both signals to create certain effects?
I realized that the value signals provides pitch shifting tone-orders and the pulse-trigger from the sequencer produces static sounds in totally other pitch than the sounds triggered by the value-signals. And I don´t understand why it is that way and how I can manipulate that. Maybe I am thinking too complicated??
It's not really complicated. The value signals can be any number within the range set by the range dial. The pulse signals can only be a 1 or a 0, because the UI is just a toggle switch. That is the difference.
All the UI for the value signals, including range dial, glide dial and 16 sliders, takes a lot of room. So instead of two sets of values one set is just triggers. This kind of interface comes from hardware sequencers and drum machines.
Thank you very much Randy,
that made it perfeclty clear for me :)