ForumsSoftware ← Kaivo Bug: Different Results at Different Audio Sample Rates

Summary: I noticed that when changing the audio sample rate for my interface, Kaivo produces radically different sounds at different sample rates on some patches.

I was unable to find previous forum posts discussing this issue.

Supplementary files, including audio exports, here:


  • Kaivo version 1.9.5 (VST .64)
  • Ableton Live 11 Suite (11.3.35 Build: 2024-09-24_bf0676fe44)
  • Mac OS X Sonoma 14.7, Apple Silicon (M2 Pro)
  • Audio Interface: Focusrite Clarett 2Pre USB

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add Kaivo to a track.
  2. Select the "Kaivo Pads > Keratinous Pad" preset.
  3. In Ableton's settings, select a 44.1k in/out sample rate. (See the window here) I chose the largest possible buffer size.
  4. Create a MIDI pattern with a held note or notes. In the examples below, I used this pattern.
  5. Listen to the output.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5, at different Sample Rates.

Expected result: Kaivo's output should be consistent at musical frequencies, regardless of the sample rate of the output environment.

Actual Result: The resulting sounds are dramatically different. To my ears, it sounds like, at higher sample rates, there are more voices, with heavier detuning and slower modulation.

Reproducibility: Happens every time for me.

Evidence: The results reproduce even when bounced to audio files. I have created exports at various sample rates (the samples are all dithered down to 44.1k):

I am having difficulty with the Dropbox links posted above. It appears that whenever I put in the link, the forum software is converting any ampersands in the links to &, which breaks the link.

I sent a Dropbox invitation to the folder to support [AT] madronalabs if that helps, referencing this ticket in the message. Or, you can right click on any of the links above, copy the URL, and manually change the URLs from & to an ampersand.

Thanks for the clear report. Sorry about the links issue!

I made a GitHub issue:

I have pasted your links into the Github issue and it fixed them up. Cool! I took a quick listen, but please keep them online in Dropbox for now if you are able to.

Thanks again, I'll try to address this for the next Kaivo update.

Thank you! I've followed the issue on GitHub so I'll know not to delete the sample files until that issue progresses.