ForumsSoftware ← Feature request; Second LFO, multiple shapes

I don't know if anyone else posted this before, but can we expect something like multiple LFO shapes and even more, a second LFO section? I really mis the second LFO. Shaping would be nice as well. From sine to pulse would be awesome.

I saw, after a pretty huge search, a couple of posts about this.

So, edit

Any thoughts about this at this time??

You may have noticed there are three possible sources of oscillations for modulation: the sequencer, the LFO and the ENV2 in repeat mode. These offer a lot of possibilities! So there will be only the one LFO proper, but if you want 3 LFOs for some reason, you have them. This basic design won't change.

I might add more flexibility to the LFO in v.2. It's not as easy as it seems, because other shapes besides sine potentially cause lots of aliasing in the things they modulate.

for me it's more important that all those bits - lfo, env2 repeat, waveguide - get host sync. also, feeding multiple voices into the Seq Rate when host-sync'd should sync the dif voices to multiple timing divisions. would be great for me!

also, feeding multiple voices into the Seq Rate when host-sync'd should sync the dif voices to multiple timing divisions.

doesn't this work? Can you send me a patch where you tried this?

Well, this sutuation:

OSC: 1st ADSR, Filter 2nd ADRS, LFO to main volume/reverb/whatever, Sequencer to play ARP/sequence.

A very common situation i think.

How to modulate the rest, if the 1ste, 2nd ADSR, the LFO and the SEQ have to be steady? Even more, how to modulate the LFO when the rest must stay the way it is?

hi randy, what i meant was that the inlet amount dial for Host Ratio should ideally snap to the timing divisions. at the moment you have to rely on the division markers around the dial and match as best you can.

<Aalto pluginVersion="66816" presetName="default" scaleName="12-equal" key_voices="2" key_unison="1" seq_host="1" seq_retrig="1" seq_rate="0.25000005960464477539" seq_ratio="0.6666666865348815918" seq_rate_p="1.5999999046325683594" seq_steps="4" seq_offset_p="4" seq_pulse0="1" seq_pulse4="1" env1_decay="0.29000002145767211914" env1_sustain="0" env1_release="0.0099999997764825820923" env1_trig_select="2" env2_repeat="0" osc_pitch="110.0000152587890625" osc_waveshape="-0.20999997854232788086" gate_decay="0" output_pan_p="1" patcher_input_3="1010000000000000100000000000001" patcher_input_13="0000000000000000000100000000000" editor_x="0" editor_y="0" editor_width="1178" editor_height="806" editor_num="1" editor_anim="1"/>


OSC: 1st ADSR, Filter 2nd ADRS, LFO to main volume/reverb/whatever, Sequencer to play ARP/sequence.
A very common situation i think.

Yes, I understand. I'm just trying to explain the thinking behind the design. Aalto's design is a tradeoff between lots of attributes. Having a simple UI, so that you can learn Aalto as a performance instrument , was probably my #1 goal behind great sound.

hi randy, what i meant was that the inlet amount dial for Host Ratio should ideally snap to the timing divisions.

I'll give this some love with the upcoming sequencer overhaul.

the sequencer rate is PLL-driven, so even though the dial may not seem to go to the right place, there should be a little range around the simple ratios where the tempo locks into the right ratio exactly.


Thanks for the quick reply!

Something else that is really bothering me, are the really fast moving knobs. Is this something that is going to be changed? I use a high DPI mouse, but even then, the knobs are turning way to fast.

Using the shift knob isn't doing the trick either...

Other than this, GREAT and powerful tool!

Depending on your host you may have to hold shift before turning the dial to get the fine tuning.

Do all dials move too fast or only maybe only those with detents on them? What OS are you on? Can you tell me another plugin I can demo where the knobs work well for you?

It seems whenever I change the mouse ballistics, I make someone happy and someone else sad. Still I'll do what I can.

I am on win7 x64, latest build. And the dials with the detents on them are indeed the ones that give me a headache. Even when i use shift. It is a bit better with the shift pressed. But it seems the resolution is way too low on those knobs.

Almost al other plugins i use are working properly. Diva, Reaktor 5.5, Saurus, Sawer, Harmor, Nemesis etc...