ForumsSoftware ← voices... question

hey there.. i finally bought this lovely synth.. i do not understand the separate voices.. can i control when, after the first voice, the other vices are triggered?


Hi Dave,

The KEY module always sends triggers the voices in a loop, one after the other, unless unison is on. There's more information in the KEY module section in the manual:

hey thanks randy
that's fine but it's how it works with the sequencer that's doing my head in atm.. i set voices to 2 and i get two dots moving across but i can't work out how to set the distance between them, i suspect it's only with certain routings.. there's loads other stuff i don't get but this is my bear atm... love it though


Hi Dave,

Each voice has its own independent sequencer. they can run at completely independent rates. Aalto's front panel shows you outputs from all of them.

Please read the manual section on the sequencer, I think it describes this pretty well. And if you have any questions after that, please let me know.

got it now



Glad to hear it!