ForumsSoftware ← Sumu Morph/Vutu File Support?

Hi All, just some questions as a prospective user:

  1. Can Sumu properly interpolate (morph), rather than fade-in/-out between two or more sound sources, either in realtime, or as a new mutant sound to then further work with (perhaps using Vutu as a bounce back and forth, if it cannot)?

  2. What kind of files (export and import) does Vutu support, aside from Sumu's?

  3. WRT the 3D module in Sumu, I am interested in the acoustics of other things besides 'cubic rooms', such as caves and city soundscapes (think fireworks bouncing off of its buildings), and was just wondering how Sumu's approach might compliment or clash with that, what to do about it and if Sumu does or might offer the option to import impulse responses and/or the like?


Hi Gary,

Thanks for your questions!

Sumu doesn't have the ability to morph between two sounds. It seems to me like this was a path explored the most in other additive environments, and I designed Sumu not around morphing but around modulating the individual partial time offsets, which other environments don't do. I would like to add morphing / blending of sounds as a capability of Vutu at some point.

Vutu supports importing .wav and .aiff, and exporting .wav sounds and .sumu partials files.

I'm very interested in adding other acoustic spaces besides rooms to the space module and will definitely expand the collection after the 1.0 is released. These will probably be, like the existing rooms, "classic" reverbs with filters and reflections. Adding impulse responses is a cool idea that would take more time to investigate.