ForumsSoftware ← Sequencer idiosyncracies and a feature request

hey randy

i have been working with aalto without any external input at all. just stand alone. super cool.

when i make create a preset that has two voices and the internal sequencer running and the voices variable patched to, say, the sequencer offset, every time i recall the preset i seem to get a different temporal relationship between the sequencer stages of the two voices. can you give me any hints to understand what is happening there?

two feature ideas:

  1. a check box on the envelope generators to have their outputs multiplied by the sequencer output. exactly as multiplying them by velocity in. this would give you a functionality that is similar to the velocity multiplier, but it would work without messing around with any input.

  2. a dial in the KEY section that would control the spacing of the Voice parameter. when turned all the way left, the values of the voices would be clustered near to 0. when turned all the way right, they would be clustered near 1. in the middle, they would be evenly spaced. the fact that the difference between the values for different voices is fixed is a bottleneck.


for #1 i completely agree but what if you patched xvel and xseq into the second envelope generator? would it sum the two together beforehand and then multiply it? would you be able to set them in series say first multiply by xseq? i would imagine it would be easiest to sum them

and #2 in could see something slightly different for the dial with as much precision as you get with OSC i bet you could do what you were talking about but maybe like this

where 0-.25 represents what you have described
.251 - .5 would move all the numbers "to the left" so voice 2 would be in 1's spot and 3 would be in 2's...
.51 0 .75 would have voice 3 where voice one was originally and continue moving along
.75 -1. would represent voice 4 in 1;s original position and so forth...

or if the voice separation itself could be modulated by the seq out (similar to what you have described in #1) that could open up some interesting capabilities

hey wednesdayrayray,

i like this:<< or if the voice separation itself could be modulated by the seq out (similar to what you have described in #1) that could open up some interesting capabilities>>

but really the most effective way to do that would be to have the knop in the KEY section as i described it, but have an associated input to automate that parameter.

that "voice" value is so key to so much in aalto, it is crazy to have it fixed in one proportion.

even before i sold my old novation xstation 25 I would use aalto by itself. it is so much fun without any outside input, although working with the soundplane opens up a lot of awesome possibilities

yes what you said makes perfect sense and would be pretty awesome

this max4live device is pretty neat
it allows for a single fader to be set up as multiple midi note triggers
it also allows you to set the margin which groups the triggers closer or farther apart accross the length of the slider

it is fun on its own right but to me emulates the function you described

just looking over beat fader again and in aalto it would be great to see a knob like offset or shape (bidirectional?) where in the middle was the regular spread and positive would move the voices closer to the center so negative would move them closer to either 0 or 1 instead or grouping in the middle.

or maybe it makes more sense the other way? hmmm

Glad to see the discussion! (while listening to Bob's machine music on Soundcloud)

If you don't mind tying up the sequencer, you can do this trick to set an arbitrary value for each voice:

<Aalto pluginVersion="66305" presetName="default" scaleName="12-equal" scaleDir="" key_voices="4" seq_rate="0" seq_steps="0" seq_offset="1" seq_offset_p="1" seq_quantize="1" seq_pw="32" seq_value0="0.00999999978" seq_value1="0.340000004" seq_value2="0.589999974" seq_value3="0.849999964" seq_value9="0.00999999978" seq_value10="0.00999999978" seq_value15="0.00999999978" env2_repeat="0" osc_waveshape="-0.429999977" gate_level="0.439999998" patcher_input_3="0010000000000000000000000000000" patcher_input_11="0000000000000000100000000000000" />

(this shows a minor sequencer offset bug BTW)

I could possibly press the LFO into service this way also. The idea would be to set a non-zero DC offset at frequency 0 or something, then use the voice output to scale the level.

The sequencer should be more predictable in 1.3.1, coming today or tomorrow.