I have two vst~ objects running two instances of Aalto in Max/MSP. When I alter a parameter through Max (say something like filter_cutoff $1) it effects both instances of vst~ as if Max/MSP can't differentiate between them, any tips on getting around this?
In other words, you send a message to one plugin, and both plugins appear to receive it?
Do you hear the change in both plugins, or simply see it?
Please email me a patch to support @ madronalabs and I will take a look.
Hey, sorry - I have been scratching my head over this for days - and it turned out it was just a bogus argument using send and receive objects!! there is no problem using multiple instances of vst~
I spotted the problem as I was writing the e-mail to you and explaining the patch. Thanks for the offer to help!
Thanks for the update. You see why I hesitate to dive into people's Max patches. :-)
Are you trying to run 8 voices? I've been wanting to use a round Robin max midi dispatcher to get more voices...
I've been wanting to use a round Robin max midi dispatcher to get more voices...
Oh man... I'll add more in a future update, but unfortunately it's not trivial.
Thanks Randy, that would be nice. But please don't spend time on this instead of Kaivo.. we can get creative and address some shortcomings ;-)