Anyone using Virta with their Push? Trying to figure out a way to use the keyboard and adjust settings via the Push at the same time. I set everything up as stated in the manual, easy peasy. I can play the Push through a Midi track who's output is sending to the VST in the audio track.
But if I want to change the VST parameters via the Push encoders I have to select the audio track which takes away the keyboard view.
The next thing I figured out is I can use the Map8 M4L device on the Midi track and map to parameters in the VST on the audio track. But as soon as I add the Map8 device to the Midi track the midi output routing section of the channel strip disappears and the keyboard midi data is no longer sending to the VST.
I suspect that I need a midi M4L device that can route the midi to the VST, but I'm having trouble digging one up. Or is there another solution?
Gah, never mind, it just hit me. I need to make a third track, a midi track that is set to the midi input of the "control" midi track and it's output it sent to the audio track. Looks wacky, but it works.
Thanks for writing with the solution. I haven't been able to follow along because I don' t have a Push 2... one of these days!