buchlaseyes's Recent Posts

in my opinion MozArt, Beethoven Bach would use synthesizer today. Not to play presets but to create the perfect sound to emphasize the intention of the melody. Sounds always influenced Musicians and composers equally. Bolero was written to explore the variations of instruments and what impact it has when the instruments change. Viola 'd'amour inspired Vivaldi to write special compositions to expose the uniques of this instrument.

If it is modular or not does to some existent not really matter. The source of what is been modulated ...the Oscillators...are the key to it all....and the quality of filters etc...
only if you are experienced enough...most of the time through trial and error and the openness to explore...you will find sources of sounds that are more close to you then others...Because you hear them and you are influenced in your way to use them to write and play music.

and then it does not matter which instrument you choose ...it is the way you are resonating with it ...the way you correspond with it...and then it can be something like a completely strange sound or the beautiful sound of an open chord played on an acoustic guitar.

The slogan "limited only by your own imagination" has it's pitfalls, as it is not true to the matter that my imagination goes way beyond the choice any sound creating "THING" could offer me. The freedom is limited by the fact that I can not choose between what I want to choose from.

love the Aalto...wonder to have the lfo synched to the host(logic9.0} or is it easier to pat it....
is there any information how the numbers on the various dials translates into various note length like quarters, halfs etc...
lovin' it all the way...will post a soundbite soon on my soundcloud...ear to you you soon
laugh Daniel

AAAHHH...ok one step closer to buy the damn' thing. What amazes me is the fact that you need so less effects to make it sound real open and moving... very cool...thank you for your response...with respect Daniel