randy's Recent Posts

Hi Kenshi, yes it's almost time. Eight voices of Aalto is quite heavy still, so I want to do some optimizations first.

I love the patch revision but had something happen

Well this is by design. The worst thing that can happen is to save over an old version by accident. So my first job was to prevent that.

Going to the "end of the line" might be a good solution. Or maybe going in a different direction, like "2b", "2c", ... even.

In general I could think about these things for days to try and get them perfect-- rather I try to throw the features out there when they are immediately useful and gather feedback about were to go next.

Sorry about yr drive!

Wow, thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

In my experience Logic can consume way more CPU running Aalto than other hosts. I'm guessing this is true of Mainstage too, though I haven't tried it much. In general, hosts differ a lot in CPU use. You can try some others and compare.

I don't recommend Apple AU Lab a lot because it's not really designed for musicians... but for just running AU plugs like you want, if your setups are not complex, it might be great. It's free, give it a try: http://www.apple.com/itunes/mastered-for-itunes/

I would also give Numerology from Five12 a try.

When I added the new host sync divisions in version 1.3, I introduced a synchronization bug. Please get the 1.3.2 update coming later this week, and let me know if that fixes the problem.

Hi rc,

It's possible to get some ghost notes for now, but the good news is that they will be very low in amplitude. So you can hide the problem as you've shown.

In general avoiding the ghost notes in the software while maintaining sensitivity is a difficult problem. I will keep improving my solution. A new version of the Soundplane client is coming soon.

It's really up to the Beat people-- I'll post the info here.

This problem is fixed and I will be getting a new Beat Edition to the Beat people for distribution within the next two weeks.

Thanks Andre!

Makes perfect sense, I'll see what I can do about this case.

Hmm... yup.

Thanks for the info!

I use AU Lab for testing nearly every day, but it's more of a demonstration program, not really too useful for getting music done.


Oh yes, it is, that was the main idea, it's on pgm change 127.

So I implemented this "return to saved" feature this weekend and I am really enjoying using it for this remix. I want to add the "quick save" bit people have been asking for while I'm in this code. Then 1.3.2 will be a quiet little release soon.

I use Mac OS day to day so that's why. I do keep hearing good things about Sonar.

I just tested the VST in Ableton. I used my debugging information to see that the latency does go down to 16 just fine. The latency in Aalto will always be the next power-of-two greater than the process buffer size in the DAW, because MIDI messages are handled one buffer at a time.

You didn't say what process buffer size you were using in Studio One. In general any instrument plugin will have to have latency of one process buffer.

Thanks for the good report.

Fixed for 1.3.2, coming soon.

OK, I've got a pretty good idea to try. I was fooling around with Live’s Clip / Pgm Change section. It's particularly easy to select program 128 in the UI (127 actually because they list all the numbers off by 1) because that's the end.

So what if I make Pgm Change 127 mean "return to the most recently saved program"? This works in Live, and in Logic with a bit more work, for very quick loop-restore functionality. Along with a "quick save" feature some have asked for, I think it will make working with loops and tweaking very easy and powerful.

Hello randy , I've made a quick video to show you the way i use Aalto in Sensomusic Usine, i first show how the preset manager can store each change, even the patching ones or program changes, then i use the conductor to store bigger sets with fade time change.

Usine looks very useful indeed. thanks for sharing.

you can just create a new audio track and set its input to 'resampling'. it will record all the audio going on inside Live. i use it all the time.

THIS. Thanks! Live is great but has been hard for me to get my head around in some way, so I've missed some features for sure. It helped when I decided to ignore the clip view.

Hi Jack,

Thank you for the nice comments.

You can drag the comment field here from the lower right to make it as tall as you like.

Happy New Year,

In my head, right now, they are different.

Thanks for this. Let me throw the idea into the hopper and see what comes out.

Thanks for all this feedback! I am considering all of these ideas, even I don't reply point by point. Some of these things are for sure doable and will show up at some point in the future. Please keep in touch.


I keep filing away these OSC ideas in order to figure out what to add, something soon!

The Soundplane comes with a nice soft case. Good for carry-on and carrying around. If I was going to check my Soundplane as baggage I would definitely get a Pelican case or something similar.

To make these objects on Windows, you will need to install the Max/MSP/Jitter SDK for Windows. So the first step is to download that and then make one of the example objects for Windows, like plus~ or whatever is in the SDK, and make sure you can run that in Max on Windows.

I have never actually compiled a Max object on Windows, so you will find better help from the C74 forums on this point.

If the Aalto plugin is simply not showing up in the menu, you need to rescan the plugins in Logic. It is supposed to do this every time new plugins are added, but sometimes it does not.

In Logic, go to "Preferences..." -> "Audio Units Manager". A list of plugins should appear with Aalto in it. If it does not, and you have installed Aalto, then Logic is confused.

Here is one guide to solving this problem:
